AI Simulations: Shaping Societal Governance and the Future of Interaction

In this episode, we dive into the cutting-edge world of AI simulations and their transformative impact on societal governance. Rob Auten, CEO and co-founder of Hexgram, shares insights from his experience developing AI-powered worlds for gaming and beyond. Joined by Marco Annunziata, the discussion explores how AI-driven simulations reshape how we understand complex systems, predict outcomes, and craft more dynamic interactions. From creating immersive, emotionally engaging gaming environments to exploring AI’s role in industrial settings and policy-making, this conversation reveals the power and potential of simulation technology across industries.

Guest: Rob Auten, Chief Executive Officer at Hexagram

Host: Marco Annunziata, Co-Founder, Annunziata + Desai Partners

Series Hosts: Vikram Shyam, Lead Futurist, NASA Glenn Research Center Dyan Finkhousen, Founder & CEO, Shoshin Works

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