State of the World: Macro-Economic Trends
As we exit a period of high inflation, what does the economic framework look like moving forward?
On today’s episode of the Ecosystemic Futures podcast, our hosts sit down with world-renowned economist Marco Annunziata, to discuss the financial impact of inflation, the factors influencing which direction it will take and the broader role that innovation plays in ecosystemic growth and health.
The stage is set for discussions on supply chain, sustainability and global warming, while considering the impact of governance and public policy, along with the role and risks associated with each.
Marco Annunziata, Co-Founder, Annunziata + Desai Partners
Dyan Finkhousen, Founder & CEO, Shoshin Works
Vikram Shyam, Futurist, NASA Glenn Research Center
Tom Cooke, Founder & CEO, Spacely G.
Edward Powell, PhD, CEO, TensorX, Inc