Bio-Architecture: A New Renaissance for Building

Exciting intersections between the ecosystems for architecture, building and material science are forging pathways to regenerative architecture. ‘Bio-Architecture’, a fascinating take on using mycelium to create convergent new systems to generate food, jobs, and building materials that concurrently store carbon.

In this episode of the Ecosystemic Futures podcast brought to you by Shoshin Works in collaboration with NASA Convergent Aeronautics Solutions Project, our hosts sit down with Christopher Maurer, architect and founder of Redhouse Studio, to talk about this new capability, and the critical role regenerative solutions play in creating greater ecosystem wellness.

Show Highlights:

“There are things that inert materials like steel could never dream of being able to do, things that only life can do. And that's why I think biomaterials are really exciting.” –Christopher Maurer

“It doesn't matter where you go, you're never going to have a shortage of problems. So the way that we look at this is to turn those problems into opportunities and bio architecture can generally do that.” –Christopher Maurer

“I wanted to be able to pair this ability to create impact through the design and the architecture, with the ability to get beyond sustainability honestly, because I think we're well past that at this point. We need to get to regenerative architecture and so that's where I see bio architecture as being the main driver for that.” –Christopher Maurer


Christopher Maurer, Principal Architect at redhouse studio architecture


Tom Cooke, Founder & CEO, Spacely Vikram Shyam, Futurist, NASA Glenn Research Center Series


Dyan Finkhousen, Founder & CEO of Shoshin Works


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