Cities: Death, Rebirth and Reinvention
Technology, Society Dyan Finkhousen Technology, Society Dyan Finkhousen

Cities: Death, Rebirth and Reinvention

As today’s ecosystemic structure changes rapidly, what is the economic value of cities and how can it become different in the future? The idea of cities being powerful engines of innovation is a relatively new one, with a more distributed ecosystem of cities being attractive and potentially good for the economy to distribute the additional benefits of growth.

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Solar Geoengineering: The Potential & Governance. What to Know
Technology, Policy, Society Dyan Finkhousen Technology, Policy, Society Dyan Finkhousen

Solar Geoengineering: The Potential & Governance. What to Know

The topic of climate change ignites impassioned debate worldwide - a topic that has made its way into mainstream dialogue, from wall street to mainstreet, and achieved an extraordinary amount of global investment. The ecosystemic implications of this are fascinating. A global issue - with implications for society, industry, economy and policy. A long-standing debate. Yet clear consensus and paths forward remain elusive, suggesting potential misalignment in systems of information, and incentive.

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