Solar Geoengineering: The Potential & Governance. What to Know

The topic of climate change ignites impassioned debate worldwide - a topic that has made its way into mainstream dialogue, from wall street to mainstreet, and achieved an extraordinary amount of global investment. The ecosystemic implications of this are fascinating. A global issue - with implications for society, industry, economy and policy. A long-standing debate. Yet clear consensus and paths forward remain elusive, suggesting potential misalignment in systems of information, and incentive.

A leading concern is the belief that even the most aggressive reductions of greenhouse gas emissions are unlikely to prevent their harmful impacts - especially to those people, organisms and ecosystems that are already vulnerable. While many believe solar geoengineering shows great potential to manage some components of climate change - it also poses environmental risks and governance challenges of its own. As we consider the global level of discourse, investment in research and development, and regulatory activity - it’s imperative.

In this episode, our hosts Chris Potter and Marco Annunziata sit down with International Environmental Policy expert Jesse Reynolds to discuss the capabilities and limitations of solar geoengineering, and where we go from here.

Show Highlights:

“Cutting emissions is a collective action problem where everybody kind of wants to drag their feet and hope that the rest of the world does a good job. And then the benefits of costly emissions cuts go to the future, whereas the costs are born by the present.” –Jesse Reynolds

“Climate change economics often quickly gets into the trillions of dollars when you're talking about impacts or very aggressive emissions cuts. In fact, if anything, solar geoengineering looks too cheap, right? We don't need to reduce the cost. That's not a barrier here. So the question in terms of is it effective?It's yes … but. It can be thought of best as a palliative or an analgesic, a type of a medicine that temporarily suppresses some of the worst symptoms while a cure is being researched and implemented.” –Jesse Reynolds

“It turns out that the opponents of solar geoengineering have managed to stop these field experiments saying it crosses a rubicon, that this will legitimize something that we first need a global dialogue about. And you can see how it's the extremes feeding off of each other with the loser in this process being the generation of knowledge and trust that will be essential if solar geoengineering might be able to reduce climate change risks in the future, especially to the most vulnerable populations in the world.” –Jesse Reynolds


Jesse Reynolds, Environmental Policy Expert


Marco Annunziata, Co-Founder, Annunziata + Desai Partners

Christopher Potter, Senior Research Scientist, Ecosystem Science & Technology Branch, NASA Ames Research Center


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